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Medica Corporate Communications

Finding a way to recovery

Helping kids with complex mental health issues find the right care can be confusing. But our Family Support Care Management Program gives parents and their children access to dedicated Care Advocates who help them navigate the system, connect to resources, and provide education on treatment options.

Meet Tom

Tom is a high school student who came to our attention after he was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for substance use and mental health issues. One of our Care Advocates, in partnership with the hospital staff, Tom, and his family, put together a care team. The team developed a recovery plan that included helping him get into residential and outpatient treatment programs. The Advocate even helped his parents get therapy so they could support Tom on his road to recovery.

50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24.
– National Institute of Mental Health

In 2022, our Family Support Program helped more than 150 families. This story also appears in our 2022 annual report.